
How to uninstall kodi on mac os
How to uninstall kodi on mac os

Uninstalling some applications totally, including Kodi, is one of the approaches to free up HD memory. On the off chance that you need free memory space, you may need to tidy up your Mac. Be that as it may, it takes up a critical space on your disk.

  • Rebooting Kodi resets to factory settings.Kodi is a free intense media player for Mac and Apple TV.
  • The system will now ask you to restart Kodi.
  • Once installed, go to the home screen and go to Program.
  • On the next screen, press Start here and then press -XXXzip.
  • Press Install from zip file and then select Fusion.
  • Once you have successfully downloaded the Fusion repository, go to System.
  • Select the plugin and hit the Trash / Trash Can icon and repeat the process for each plugin you want to uninstall.īefore you start uninstalling Kodi build, you need to check if Fusion and Indigo Repo are installed If you don’t have it on your system, follow these instructions to install Fusion and Indigo Addon on your Kodi, before continuing.
  • Select My Plugins and then you can select All or manually select the plugins you want to uninstall.
  • Launch Kodi and Hit Add-ons (from the left panel of the screen).
  • Must Read: How to Loop Video on iPhone Remove Kodi Addons on Firestick We will also discuss some of the risks associated with installing a Kodi build. That’s no problem – in this article, we’ll show you how to uninstall a Kodi build on the system you’re using. Sometimes you will find that a certain build is not what you want.

    how to uninstall kodi on mac os how to uninstall kodi on mac os

    While Kodi can be installed on a variety of devices, including Roku and Apple TV, builds can only be installed on specific platforms like Amazon Firestick or Fire TV, iPhone, Raspberry Pi, PC, or Nvidia Shield.

    how to uninstall kodi on mac os how to uninstall kodi on mac os

    These not only reduce the time it takes to get your media center up and running, but can also add extra features or change the look of Kodi. To make things easier, you can install preconfigured versions of Kodi named builds. While the initial setup of Kodi is very quick, locating and installing multiple add-ons can take a long time, especially if you are installing Kodi on multiple devices. Kodi is a free, open source software package that gives you the tools you need to easily create a home theater system. Check How to Uninstall Kodi Build on Firestick to improve Kodi performance

    How to uninstall kodi on mac os